Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Humble Weekly Sale

The Humble Bundle project has come up today with a new idea: weekly sale. Every Tuesday there will be one game for sale and the price will be the same "pay what you want". Beating the average will bring you bonus content and you will receive a steam key only if you pay minimum 1 dollar.
The first game offered for sale is Bastion.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Ubuntu Gnome

Gnome is back in Ubuntu and it's here to stay.
After switching to Unity, Ubuntu has left behind the Gnome desktop environment. It was still available in the repositories to be installed, but there was no way to have it as default. Now, the Ubuntu Gnome Remix was finally accepted as an official Ubuntu flavor and rejoined the family as Ubuntu Gnome.
Welcome back Gnome!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Humble Bundle - Android 5

The Humble Bundle guys have just come up with a new bundle of games that can be played on Android (beside the usual lin, mac and win) which is the fifth edition that has games for the mobile platform. Like usually you can pay what you want but there are two bonus games that you only get if you pay more than the average.
How much would you pay?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Qmmp with Winamp skin in Ubuntu

Do you remember good old Winamp, the media player good for everything and with a ton of crazy skins? Sometimes I miss it too. For the nostalgic ones or just for the ones who want to give it a try, here is a simple way to run winamp skins on Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Rock'n'roll

Ubuntu rocks! But will it roll?
In a message on the Ubuntu Developer Mailing List (see here), Rick Spencer has officially submitted to public debate the possibility of Ubuntu becoming a rolling release between the LTS releases. This isn't the first time that I hear rumors about this suggestion, but this time it will be discuses at the Ubuntu Developer Summit (the one that takes place next week).
What does this mean!?

Desktop slideshow

For a while now, Ubuntu offers the option to set as desktop background a slideshow of wallpapers. It is nice to have such an option integrated into the OS but you can not customize it; or at least there is no obvious method.
Here is the easiest way how to set a custom Desktop slideshow from your own folder of photos: